EMERGency PREParedness Survival Guide me

Get the EmergPrep Survival Guide

EmergPrep Disaster Survival Do It Yourself Guide – Preparation is Your Key to Survival.

Never take emergency preparedness lightly, especially when your and others safety (perhaps children) is at risk.

In today’s unpredictable world, we cannot know when or where we may face an emergency or disaster.

We do know, however, that we can reduce risk by working out emergency plans and practicing how to respond safely to emergencies.

Our team has prepared this Do It Yourself EmergPrep Survival Guide, to help you review the key issues, and prepare a customized survival plan for your unique situation, whether its for your home, your cottage, your office or car. We provide details on the supplies you need to survive for at the first 72 hours.

Emergency Preparedness Now … Preparation is Your Key to Survival, provides Emergency Preparedness Services and Supplies for all kinds of emergencies and disasters including pandemic (COVID 19), hurricane, storms(snow,rain,ice), earthquakes, pandemics, providing expert advice on the how to prepare for the eventual emergencies that happen to us all, whether in your home, office or car, we all need to plan and prepare.

Get Started Now with our Emergency Preparedness Survival Guide, a guide to get started planning for Survival including a risk assessment, personal emergency plan preparation, and selection the the perfect set of supplies for your situation. Remember … Preparation is Your Key to Survival!.

We also offer a FULL SERVICE PACKAGE, including stocking and re-supply of perishables on a scheduled basis (as recommended 6, 12, 18 month cycle), so when you need them,  you’ll have what you need.

Consider Getting Started Now with our Executive Emergency Preparedness Package, a complete system, starting with a detailed risk assessment, personal emergency plan preparation, and selection the the perfect set of supplies for your situation. Remember … Preparation is Your Key to Survival!.

Executive Emergency Survival Safety Preparedness Package Includes:- A detailed Risk Assessment of your situation and circumstances
– A Custom Emergency Preparedness / Survival Plan with consultation
– A Suitable Emergency Preparedness Safety Survival System for youYou can be confident we will look after every detail for you, whether it’s car kits, pet kits, cottage/chalet kits, we look after all of the details, selection, stocking, re-stocking and supplies.

Order today and get Started Now – Emerg Prep Now – Executive Package … You Deserve the Best!

For a FREE consultation, call us now 647-921-9322 or info at emergprep.com

3 Days 3 Ways … That’s the Challenge

3 Days, 3 Ways … That’s the Challenge.

You need a plan to survive 3 days without assistance during an disaster.

Only 72 hours … That’s the Challenge! Can you do it?

3 Ways to meet the challenge

1) Know the Risks

2) Get a Plan

3) Get an Emerg Prep Kit

Do all 3 and You Will Be Better Prepared to Survive

Family Safety, Security, and Survival

Family Safety, Security, and Survival, is usually on the top our minds.

I don’t know about you, but as a family person, my Families Safety, Security and Survival has always been at the forefront of my mind.

We all strive to provide a safe and secure environment for our children to grow up in, and yet, according to a recent survey, few of us prepare properly for the eventual emergency crisis situation. We all can do better! We all should do better!

In a recent survey on Emergency Preparedness, conducted for our Government Health Agency, dated June 2010, a majority of respondents (59%) said that neither they nor their family have prepared a family emergency plan that includes how to get in touch with each other in case of an emergency.

Have you prepared a plan? Where do you place yourself?

So, why would you need a plan now?

Have you seen the news lately, Extreme Weather Conditions, Earthquakes, Electrical System Failures! All the type of conditions that you need to be prepared for.

For more information Click here to check it out Family Safety, Security, and Survival Program!

Resolve to be Ready for Emergencies in 2021

As December turns to January, resolve to be ready for any emergency in the new year, weather-related or not. Your first step is making a family emergency plan.  Need Help … contact us to help  you make a plan [email protected]

Discuss with your family:

Who is our emergency point of contact? Choose an out-of-town friend or relative to be your contact. During emergencies, it’s often easier to make long distance calls. An out-of-town person can help communicate among separated family members.

Where are our meeting places? In case you can’t return home, choose a place to meet in your neighborhood and another place outside your neighborhood if you can’t get there. Your neighborhood meeting place may be a friend’s house on the next street. A meeting place outside your neighborhood may be a nearby church, store or another friend’s home.

Do our schools have emergency plans? If you are a parent, ask your schools and daycare providers about their emergency plans. Find out how they will communicate with families during a crisis. Ask if they are prepared to stay in school if necessary and where they plan to go if they must leave.

Winter has barely begun, but it has brought frigid temperatures. Here’s what you should know about staying safe and about being prepared for winter emergencies:

If power goes out and you have no heat: You’ll need blankets or sleeping bags for warmth in as few as four hours after power is out, depending on your home’s insulation. Dress in several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight clothing, and wear a hat and mittens.

If you use kerosene or propane heaters: These should be used with much caution. The room must be ventilated by opening a window. Keep heaters at least three feet away from flammable objects such as curtains, blankets and furniture. Place heaters on a hard surface, not on carpet. Refuel them outdoors after they have cooled.

If the power is out and you need information: Be sure you have a battery powered radio with extra batteries. Get one with a weather radio band so you can hear reports from the National Weather Service and your local radio stations. Find these at electronics and sporting goods stores, department stores, from catalogs and on-line.

If you can’t get out, you’ll need supplies: Stock at least a three-day supply of food that doesn’t need refrigeration or electricity to prepare. You may also need water – three gallons per person will last three days. Be sure to have flashlights and extra batteries on hand. Don’t use candles during power outages.  Need Help … we have kits for this 647-933-4195  [email protected]

If you must drive during a winter storm: Most traffic crashes happen within two hours after a storm starts. Try to stay off the road to give snowplows time and space to work. Wait until daylight to drive so sunlight can warm the roads. Get road conditions. Buckle up every time you drive.

Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness

Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness – Is Your Family Prepared?

When an emergency happens in your community, it will likely take emergency workers some time to respond. In the meantime, you need to be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours or more.

Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness is Your Key to Survival.  Take Action, with a few simple steps today, and you can become better prepared to face a range of emergencies – anytime, anywhere.

Step 1 – Know the risks – Conduct a Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is part of educating yourself about emergency preparedness. Unless you know the hazards most likely to affect your organization and your community, and the consequences of those hazards, you cannot form an effective plan. Thorough preparation saves lives, minimizes injuries, and can save you time
and money.

Although the consequences of various disasters can be similar, knowing the risks in your region can help you better prepare. We face a number of hazards, such as earthquakes, blizzards and tornadoes. In addition to natural disasters, there are other types of risks, such as power outages and industrial or transportation accidents.

This is where we can help. We will ensure you know the risks for your area, which becomes the basis of Setp 2, the Plan.

Step 2 – Make a Plan

Every Canadian household needs an emergency plan. It will help you and your family know what to do in case of an emergency.

Your family may not be together when an emergency occurs. Plan how to meet or how to contact one another, and discuss what you would do in different situations.

Consider Getting Us to Prepare Your Plan

Step 3 – Get a Kit

Buy an Emergency Preparedness Now Safety Survival Kit, which can include first aid kit, flashlight, etc. Our Emergency Preparedness Now Safety Survival Kit is now Only $379.95 (for 4 inlcuding Pets) and makes an excellent Christmas or Anytime Gift for your Loved Ones.

ORDER TODAY, BE PREPARED!! Click Above, or Call us now 647-933-4195 or info at emergprep.com

Welcome to EmergPrep Now … Be Better Prepared to Survive!

Welcome to EmergPrep, You will be Better Prepared to SurviveTM!

Family Safety, Security, and Survival, is top in our minds and our primary goal at EmergPrep is that You will be Better Prepared to SurviveTM during the next emergency or crisis situation that comes your way.

EmergPrep – You Will Be Better Prepared to SurviveTM can help you. Phone 647-933-4195 email us at [email protected]